Friday, August 20, 2010

What not to do on a Friday

Deep - Mr. Soccer is renowned for coming up with some crazy ideas, which are bound to keep changing every hour or so.
Raj - Mr. Chef prepares some of the best dishes, this side of the town and is one of the core reasons why I look nourished.
Sus - Mr. Rejector is the Man Friday for every purpose imaginable.
Ab - Smart, handsome, single , brilliant..I could go on, but you must, by now, have realized that it's me.

A typical Friday in the Hartford office
10.00 am(Breakfast time):
Ab(Helping himself to Raj's breakfast) - I am freaking bored..Lets go for a trip..
Sus & Raj: I am game
Ab: Kewl..Where to ?
Sus: Hmm, the nearest state where we have never set foot. That way, we can increase the "state count" in USA.
Ab(opening Gmaps on his laptop): The possible options are Michigan, Georgia, Iowa
Sus: Shall we goto Florida ? It's just 24 hours away
Ab: Not sure, if we can come back by Monday. We will be tired $hit
Raj: What bout the ticket prices ?

After 15 mins of checking the ticket prices @ all possible sites on the net

Ab(deep in dumps): It costs like a fortune..Those bastards have upped the prices
Sus: Yeah and I have like 200$ with me. Lets drop the FL plan or else, I will be broke next week.
Ab: What other options do we have ?Say a long drive ? say, 16 hours or so ?
Sus: Yeah baby, I am on. We could book an SUV from hertz. Deep is, after all, a Gold card member.
Ab: Let's check with Deep & Raj
Raj: I am game(for the 2nd time)
Deep: I am not in the mood for a drive
Ab: Why so ?
Deep: I want a break
Ab/Sus in unison: You dumbo, you were resting on your arse for like a week. From what invisible force, do you need a break from ?
Deep: I said I am not in the mood. End of discussion

2.50 PM( coffee break)
Ab(brings up the topic once again): So, what do we do tonight ?
Sus: What about a movie ?
Raj: I am game( for the 3rd time)
Ab: Any new ones @ Rave cinemas ?
Sus(opens his flixster app in iphone): hmmm... yeah, Movie X, Movie Y and Movie Z
Ab: X should be senti stuff. Y has a hot actress and Z is all action. Your votes
Sus: Y it is..
Raj: Y, Y, Y !!!
Deep: Y ..
Ab: That's so juvenile..I have some perverts for friends.. hmm, my vote for Y.

4.00 PM(on messenger)
Deep: Lets goto Mohegan Sun casino
Raj: I am game(for the 4th time)
Ab: Anything special out there ? I mean, like a show or something
Deep: Dunno, we could walk all over the place
Sus: Eh, so what about the movie ?
Deep: We can catch the movie after that ? Lets say, the 2.00 AM show
Raj: I need to sleep
Ab & Deep & Sus: Don't be a ninny. Losing a few hours of sleep will not kill anyone
Raj(reluctantly, starts of with his typical drawl): Edaaaaa, I got up @ 6.00 in the morning.
Sus(interrupts him): But you usually sleep from 4.00 to 7 in the evening. You will survive.
Raj(with a long face): OK, I shall try.

7.00 PM:
Raj on the phone to A: Wake up dude, I am just thinking of a new recipe
Ab(driveling and wiping the spit from his mouth): huh..Whats that ?
Raj: It's a pretty complex dish. Made from...blah blah blah..
Ab: Sounds interesting..But weren't we supposed to catch a movie or something like that ? or was it a trip to mohegan Sun ? I can't remember
Raj: I don't have a clue. D hasn't arrived from his football match. Sooo, what do you think about the dish.
Ab: Mate, you are just about the best cook I have seen in 26 years. Go ahead, it would be a hit.
Raj(elation evident in his voice): Thanks da.. So, come over soon.
Ab: Sure I will.

7.15 PM:
Ab calling Sus:
Sus: Yo buddy, whats up ?
Ab: Weren't we supposed to go somewhere ?
Sus: I guess so..However, I just can't recollect the last decision that we made.
Ab: lets conference D in
Deep comes on the line
Ab & Sus: Dude - Where are we going to, this evening ?
Deep: I have a great idea. Let's hit some kewl pub, where we can have a few drinks
Ab: What ?????????? What about the other plans ? Mohegan Sun/film etc ?
Deep: Not in the mood
Sus: ok.. When do we go ??
Deep: Come over to 635, will start immediately

8.30 PM:
Ab(after a 30 min harrowing drive) enters the apartment. Raj is in the kitchen, turning over the chicken. Deep is in his lungi, hunched over his laptop while S is lying on the couch.

Ab: Eda, I found this perfect Irish pub in Hartford. Looks to be great, as per the reviews. We can down a couple of beers and catch a late night soccer game.
All 3 stare @ Ab, without any response
Ab: Btw, why aren't you jerks dressed up ?
Sus(with a wide grin): Hey buddy, there is a slight change in the plan.
Ab(groaning): What now ?
Sus: D wants to sit at home and catch a movie on the tube, play some cards and have a couple of drinks and eat Raj's preparation.
Ab: WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????????????? %^&*(*^&*()(*&^%$%^&*

1 comment:

The Wandering Mind said...

Really loved this post Abhi... we all make many plans on fridays which get finalized and then changed and then finalized... plans which we never actually fulfill :) finally end up lazing around watching a movie at home itself... never realized that this 'change of plans' thing is actually so funny until I read this :D